Innovative Security Web App with facial recognition technology to keep your businesses safe.

Since the start of the pandemic, retailers have reported an increase in in-store theft. We believe that whether dealing with a robbery, aggressive people, employee theft, electronic crime, credit card, or financial and data fraud, every business can protect its assets by proactively ensuring they have the best protective strategies in place.

The “SECURRE” web app helps businesses to protect their profits by offering an innovative, highly effective security solution featuring a face recognition system for retail stores, office buildings, banks, casinos, airports, etc. It will utilize AI-based technologies to analyze and compare images of faces to verify a person’s identity and detect and prevent theft and violence.

“SECURRE” mission is to provide solutions to businesses and organizations and help them to protect their assets, reduce losses from theft, fraud, and other security threats. See how it works!

“SECURRE” is a team of dedicated professionals passionate about helping businesses protect their assets. We are talented founders experienced in Network Engineering, IT, Telecommunication, Sales and other related fields, working together to create our cutting-edge web application. We are excited to launch “SECURRE” and look forward to helping our clients safeguard their assets and properties. Meet our founders!